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Cyprus Region of Learning

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Cyprus Region of Learning



In this playlist you can find Activities Related to Sustainability and Other Green Practices, created by PlanBe

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Art in Action
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Having this badge means that you are committed to #GoGreen and you can navigate the world in a sustainable way. By completing badge activities you reviewed your "environmental literacy" even while participating in activities not directly connected to this theme. This badge emphasises eco-friendly behaviours shall be a natural part of any Erasmus+ and NFE activity.

Completing an eco-lab through the Cities of Learning platform can offer individuals a variety of opportunities to learn and take action towards environmental sustainability. Here is what you can do and learn through this specific eco-lab 'Art in Action' :

  • Clean-up activity: The workshop could begin with a clean-up activity in a local park, in the Municipality of Lakatamia, Participants would be provided with gloves, bags, and other materials needed to collect and sort the trash. As they collect the garbage, they would learn about the types of waste commonly found in these areas and the impact that litter can have on wildlife and ecosystems.

  • Sorting and analysis: After the clean-up activity, participants would sort the collected trash by type and analyze the results. They would discuss the types of waste they found, which items are most commonly littered, and strategies for reducing waste in their community.

  • Sculpture creation: Using the collected trash, participants would work together to create flower pot installations. This could involve using a variety of materials, such as plastic bottles, cans, and other recyclables, to create a visually striking and thought-provoking work of art. The sculpture that will be created will adorn the Municipality of Lakatamia and participants will be able to stand out, feel proud of themselves and their Municipality and pass on the message of sustainable development to other people.

  • Reflection and discussion: Finally, the workshop would conclude with a reflection and discussion period, where participants would share their thoughts and feelings about the experience. They would discuss what they learned about environmental issues and creative problem-solving, as well as strategies for reducing waste and promoting sustainability in their community.

Through this activity, participants can learn a variety of valuable lessons. They can gain a deeper understanding of the environmental impact of litter and waste, as well as strategies for reducing waste in their own lives and communities. They can also develop creative problem-solving skills, as they work to transform trash into a meaningful work of art. Finally, they can build connections with other community members who share their passion for environmental sustainability and feel empowered to take action towards a more sustainable future.

Completing an eco-lab of open badges on the Cities of Learning platform can provide you with a range of learning opportunities and practical tools to make a positive impact on the environment. By completing these activities and earning open badges, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and contribute to building a more resilient and equitable future.

The international partners' consortium uses and promotes *Green Badges. * This badge system is proudly co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme

Obțineți insigna de activitate

Eco-Artist Obțineți această insignă

The Eco-Artist badge recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to environmental sustainability through creative problem-solving and community engagement. Badge earners have completed a clean-up workshop, where they collected and sorted litter from a local natural area, and worked collaboratively to transform the collected trash into a sculpture or other work of art.

  • Participated in a clean-up workshop focused on environmental sustainability
  • Collected and sorted litter from a natural area
  • Collaborated with others to create a sculpture or other work of art using the collected trash
  • Demonstrated an understanding of the impact of litter on the environment and strategies for reducing waste
  • Reflected on the experience and shared insights with others

Badge earners have demonstrated a commitment to environmental sustainability, creative problem-solving, and community engagement. By completing this workshop and creating a sculpture using collected trash, badge earners have learned about the impact of waste on the environment and developed practical skills for reducing waste in their own lives and communities. They have also demonstrated creativity and teamwork and contributed to raising awareness about environmental issues in their community.

Badge earners can display the Eco-Artist badge on their social media profiles, or other platforms to showcase their commitment to sustainability and their achievements in creative problem-solving and community engagement.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
  • Participate in a clean-up workshop focused on environmental sustainability
  • Collect and sort litter from a natural area
  • Collaborate with others to create a sculpture or other work of art using the collected trash
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of litter on the environment and strategies for reducing waste
  • Reflect on the experience and share insights with others
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
  • You can tag us on social media at @planbe_ngo and at @go_green_youth_navigator so we can spread the knowledge and fun of this workshop
  • You can find out more about this project on the project's website here 


Lakatamia, Cyprus
Badge Green Mission
Unknown duration


#flower and plant producing
#environmental sustainability
#ecological and economic awareness
#environmental science, environmental protection
#Critical thinking
#encourage sustainability
#stimulate environmental awareness
#teamwork approaches
#creative thinking
#adhere to environmentally-sustainable work practices
#construction teamwork
#work with hands
#support service users in practical skills
#Can adopt to a sustainable lifestyle that respects the environment, and the physical and mental wellbeing of self and others, while seeking and offering social support
#thinking creatively
#encourage creativity in the team
#advise on waste management procedures
Activități: 7
Started: 2
Listă de activități finalizată: 0
Time to complete: 9ore 30minute


PlanBe, Plan it, Be it
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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