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Sustainable living Practises Learning Pathway

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Sustainable living Practises Learning Pathway



Having this badge means that you are committed to #GoGreen and you can navigate the world in a sustainable way. By completing badge activities you reviewed your "environmental literacy" even while participating in activities not directly connected to this theme. This badge emphasises eco-friendly behaviours shall be a natural part of any Erasmus+ and NFE activity.

Completing an eco-lab through the Cities of Learning platform can offer individuals a variety of opportunities to learn and take action towards environmental sustainability. Here are a few examples of what you can do and learn through these eco-labs:

  • Learn about environmental issues: Through completing an eco-lab, you can gain a better understanding of environmental challenges and their causes. This can include topics such as climate change, pollution, waste reduction, sustainable living (depending on the workshop you will attend)

  • Gain practical skills: Completing an eco-lab can provide you with practical skills and knowledge you can apply in your daily life. For example, you may learn how to compost, how to upcycle trash that was supposed to be thrown away, how to conserve local biodiversity and how to create everyday cosmetics using natural ingredients.

  • Open digital badges are digital certificate that encrypts information related to the learning process, achievements or completeness of the badge receiver. It is an innovative digital tool to recognise learning and skills that are often too difficult to measure within non-formal education.

Overall, completing an eco-lab of open badges on the Cities of Learning platform can provide you with a range of learning opportunities and practical tools to make a positive impact on the environment. By completing these activities and earning open badges, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and contribute to building a more resilient and equitable future.

The international partners' consortium uses and promotes *Green Badges. * This badge system is proudly co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme

You will need to at least take part in one eco-lab of PlanBe, Plan it Be it organisation as part of the #GoGreen-Youth Navigator KA2 project.

Activités à compléter

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Sustainable living Practises
1 heure
View full activity


Having this badge means that you are committed to #GoGreen and you can navigate the world in a sustainable way. By completing badge activities you reviewed your "environmental literacy" even while participating in activities not directly connected to this theme. This badge emphasises eco-friendly behaviours shall be a natural part of any Erasmus+ and NFE activity.

Open digital badges are digital certificate that encrypts information related to the learning process, achievements or completeness of the badge receiver. It is an innovative digital tool to recognise learning and skills that are often too difficult to measure within non-formal education.
The international partners' consortium uses and promotes *Green Badges. * This badge system is proudly co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme

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Sustainable living Practises Learning Pathway Get this badge

Vous devez obtenir 1 badge dans ce projet
Having this badge means that you are committed to #GoGreen and you can navigate the world in a sustainable way. By completing badge activities you reviewed your "environmental literacy" even while participating in activities not directly connected to this theme. This badge emphasises eco-friendly behaviours shall be a natural part of any Erasmus+ and NFE activity.

Open digital badges are digital certificate that encrypts information related to the learning process, achievements or completeness of the badge receiver. It is an innovative digital tool to recognise learning and skills that are often too difficult to measure within non-formal education.
The international partners' consortium uses and promotes *Green Badges. * This badge system is proudly co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme
Tâche n°1
Émis par l'organisateur ou code QR à scanner
Participate in at least one sustainable learning and living activities on the playlist


Beautifying the Environment
1 heure


#environmental science, environmental protection
#environmental sustainability
#creative thinking
#work with hands
#flower and plant producing
#environmental sustainability
#ecological and economic awareness
#environmental science, environmental protection
#Critical thinking
#encourage sustainability
#stimulate environmental awareness
#teamwork approaches
#creative thinking
#adhere to environmentally-sustainable work practices
#construction teamwork
#work with hands
#support service users in practical skills
#Can adopt to a sustainable lifestyle that respects the environment, and the physical and mental wellbeing of self and others, while seeking and offering social support
#encourage creativity in the team
#advise on waste management procedures
Activités : 5
Débuté : 1
Playlist terminée : 0
Temps à compléter : 8 heures 45 minutes
Partager :


PlanBe, Plan it, Be it
Badgecraft héberge et développe cette plateforme avec les principaux organismes d'éducation. La première version de cette plateforme a été cofinancée par Erasmus +, programme de l'Union européenne. Contactez-nous à : support@badgecraft.eu .
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