Get ready to learn about self-assessment!
During this training session you will be able to understand the concept of self-assessment. It will help you to understand a more complex notion of self-knowledge, which can serve as the first step into self-empowerment. Knowing your weaknesses and strengths and being able to comprehend them objectively, you will be able to visualize and map out the course you wish to take and improve.
This training session will help you:
- To understand critical element to empowerment - Self-knowledge;
- To learn about self-evaluation tools;
- To understand personal needs as universal;
- To understand the multi-faced concepts of Competences and talent.
Complete the following activities:
- Get familiar with Maslow’s Pyramid. You can watch video WHAT IS: Maslow’s Pyramid
This activity includes best practices of Stratis Consulting provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.