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Badge System Design: choose from different badge types


Badge System Design: choose from different badge types



There are so many ways you can use Open badges for! Have a look at the different types of badges we listed based on more than 6 years of experience consulting various organisation across Europe. Choose what you want to achieve with your badge system and then allign various types of badges with it!
On-boarding . A badge with a simple task allowing people to earn a badge quickly, get “on board” and engaged into the badging process.Participation. Badges issued for taking part in some activity. These can be earned simply by scanning QR code or by sending to participants’ emails.Competence. Badges which show a competence. These are often aligned to some competence framework and include several assessment processes to prove that person possess that competence.Learning / achievement. Badges that recognise the developing skills, knowledge, attitudes and other achievements during the learning process.Membership. Badges that recognise certain responsibilities or roles within a structure. It can also reflect the tasks this role is assigned to.Behaviour. Badges that encourage a certain behaviour aligned with issuer’s values or goals, which might not be a skill itself. Such as being friendly, helpful, etc.Motivation. So called meta-badges, that can encourage badge earners to keep up with the system. You can reward them with certain status/benchmark badges. E.g. after they complete ⅓ of badges, they get a badge “Level 1”, after ⅔ of badges - a badge “Level 2”, etc.Fun. Yes, you heard it right - some badges can be just for fun! It might keep earners motivation.
Within one badge system you can combine a variation of several types of badges.


  • Badges types by Badgecraft (cc visualmind.lt)

Получить бейдж за трек

Badge Types Получить бейдж

Person explored 8 different types of Open badges. Person is acquainted with the process of first choosing what you want to achieve with your badge system and then alligning the objectives with various types of badges.
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Reflect, which if the badge types was new or most interesting for to you?


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Lithuanian Association of Non-formal Education
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