Get ready to exchange arguments!
Debate Club will help you to exchange arguments for and against a certain topic and be fair at the same time. The debate club will teach you the rules and help you learn to discuss controversial issues.
This training session will help you to:
- Understand how to build an argument.
- Know various terms such as: Debating, Debate, Arguments, Argumentation, Opposition, Government, Debate Club
- Give reasons for decisions, in oral and written form.
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
- Variety of transitions when presenting your point of view.
Complete the following activities:
1. Form a group
Form a team of three people.
2. Get familiar with a topic for debate
You will get a topic for debate and your team will need to take a clear position for or against the proposed issue.
3. Find and present your arguments
You will need to find as many arguments as possible to support your position and write them down in the Worksheet 3: Debate worksheet. The arguments are presented to the other group.
4. Self-/Peer-Assessment
This activity includes best practices of IFTE (Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship) provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.