Get ready to practice critical thinking!
During this training session you will learn about ERR methodology and practice the ERR framework through experiential learning.
This training session will help you:
- understand the ERR model as a learning process;
- understand what one knows or thinks;
- deepen your knowledge of how to organise thoughts;
- expand knowledge about the evocation, realization and reflection processes.
Complete the following activities:
- Assume yourself as a senior year student in a secondary school. How did you imagine your future career? Think, and write 3 to 5 main points of your dream career at that time.
- Read handouts: “Design Your Ideal Career”. While reading, you need to mark the main points:
- which were new to you (mark with +);
- which you disagree (mark with - ) ;
- which you confusing or unclear (mark with ?);
- which you knew before reading (mark with *).
This activity includes best practices of Jaunimo karjeros centras provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.