Get ready to learn the importance of work experience and placement!
During this training session you will be able to understand the importance of work experience and placement. During this session you will learn new work trends, business expectations from young people and develop the job search action plan.
This training session will help you:
- assess the skills you have;
- develop new skills to succeed in education and work;
- match employment needs with the skills and abilities they have;
- identify potential opportunities for work experience/placement.
Complete the following activities:
- Fill in the handouts: "Exploration – Work placement". When you fill in you should consider both the company and your future field of activity.
- If there is a possibility to meet with a person having work placement, you should use handouts: “Guidelines for a collage“ and create a collage of the experiences they had in the company.
- Get familiar with the 21st-century skills and how they influence career choice. Think of a job you would like to have. Use the handouts: “Skills for my Future Job“ and try to describe the main abilities, knowledge and skills required to do that job.
- Look at the handouts: “Job search contract” and complete it. Keep it with you and try to implement it.
This activity includes best practices of Jaunimo karjeros centras provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.