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Beautifying the Environment

Embodying sustainability values

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Having this badge means you reflect and challenge your sustainability values and worldviews. You advocate for equity and justice for current and future generations while supporting the view that humans are a part of nature.
This badge is issued after completing related activities of progress badges:
  • Valuing sustainability badge
  • Supporting fairness badge
  • Promoting nature badge
This badge represents the European sustainability competence area ‘Embodying sustainability values’.
International partners consortium promotes and endorses sustainable learning and living through '#GoGreen - Youth Navigator' activities.
Utstedt av arrangør eller skanning av WR-kode
Earn 3 progress badges: Valuing sustainability, Supporting fairness and Promoting nature. Think and share your views, ideas and actions on one or more questions below:
  1. How do you want to challenge your unsustainable behaviours?
  2. What is vital for you to live sustainably?
  3. How do you advocate for climate equality and justice?
  4. How do you support and promote humans being part of nature?You can write a text response, share photos, upload short audio or video, include files and other examples of your actions.


Beautifying the Environment
Badgecraft driver denne plattformen og utvikler den sammen med ledende utdanningsorganisasjoner. EUs Erasmus Plus-program har delfinansiert utviklingen av den første versjonen av denne plattformen. Kontakt
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